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L'equilibrio e l'armonia sono elementi cardine che sono profondamente radicati nella pratica di Riccio.

Lavorando con l'argilla, . Creo opere uniche che danno forma specifica ad un progetto che avvolge  profondamente la ricerca della  mia città natale.

Le forme ed i concept  si intrecciano nei suoi pezzi scultorei.


Ogni opera d'arte rappresenta per l'artista vi e una ricerca personale nell'esplorazione della raffigurazione, un incontro visivo  all'interno di pensiero dove si possono incontrare pace e tranquillità.

Inspired by natural architecture, his work is recognized for its imagination, design and craftsmanship.

The materials are carefully selected for their unique properties and combined to achieve his vision, including clay, silver, gold, steel, wood, and glass. Carefully balancing shape, color and movement.

MaurizioRiccio: All rights reserved / Privacy

Inspired by natural architecture, his work is recognized for its imagination, design and craftsmanship.

The materials are carefully selected for their unique properties and combined to achieve his vision, including clay, silver, gold, steel, wood, and glass. Carefully balancing shape, color and movement.

Casa Melissa

MaurizioRiccio: All rights reserved / Privacy

Fascinated by his Vesuvius, the Riccio since 1987 creates unique works that give specific shape to a project that deeply envelops his hometown.

The crater as a mantle of impending unpredictability and indigestion.

They are related to the red, sulfur yellow and black colors of solidified lava, embedded in many shades of metallic grays.

As a metaphor for the forces and energies that guide, stimulate and control us



Inspired by natural architecture, his work is recognized for its imagination, design and craftsmanship.

The materials are carefully selected for their unique properties and combined to achieve his vision, including clay, silver, gold, steel, wood, and glass. Carefully balancing shape, color and movement.

Altri Tipi di lavorazione 


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